I love the etheral quality of Kristin’s illustrations.  The soft, muted colors she uses make her illustrations look almost as though you’re looking at them through a fine mist.  This is an exerpt taken from our Biography:

“Of Norwegian origin, Kristin Vestgård studied for her degree at Falmouth College of Art. She sold all her paintings in her degree show, and Falmouth College of Art purchasing the biggest painting for their own collection.

Stunned with her work, she also got invited to exhibit in galleries in London and Cornwall. Since graduating from there she has exhibited in London on numerous occasions, from the city gallery to the Ted Litchfield Gallery, in her native Norway at the Kihle Gallery in Horten and of course at the Badcocks Gallery in Newlyn, Cornwall, where she held her fourth solo show in July 2004.

Kristins exhibitions have always been received with great enthusiasm and her first show at Badcocks was a sell out.

Her career as a serious and respected young artist is continuing to grow.”
