I wanted to take a whole series of photos from around our home showing the amazing aray of autumnal colours. It’s been raining non-stop for several days now so I’ve not been able to go out armed with the camera. I still intend to do so, in the hope the trees won’t lose ALL their leaves in the meantime, but just for now, I’ve found a fantastic selection of home decorations to get you in the autumnal mood. Watch this space for photos of our area just as soon as the rain clears!


Fresh from the Apple Orchard!
Crisp and crunchy New England Apples.
Well, actually, they’re made of wool, but they sure do look tasty!


Preserve the translucent brilliance of autumn foliage in its full glory–this handmade lampshade does it by gently folding in real leaves.


3 oval shaped paper mache boxes – the lids coverd in tan, and shades of brown ivy fabric – the bottoms painted country tan, nutmeg brown, and burnt umber.


Swirling leaves crisply whirl on an autumn breeze… This flight of fancy can play again and again in your own home with this elegant fall mobile.


This set of pretty nesting bowls in autumn colors are perfect for organizing this and that.


You can visit these artists and see more of their work by clicking on the images.

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