Surreal Quirky Dead Honey Bee Painting


Monochromatic Acrylic Painting
Strong Eco Message


This surreal dead bee still life is monochromatic and plays with light as well as form. Did you know that bees are shipped via the postal system? This got me thinking of the poor little guys in boxes.

The painting has a strong eco message but also plays with elusions. Is the box small and the bee large? Or is the bee gigantic?

TITLE: Fragile

SIZE: 50x50cms (20″ x 20″)

Acrylic on canvas
Happy customers said this:

*** Piece is wonderful, design and craftsmanship is outstanding, unique piece to add to my display, thanks!

*** Amazing, perfect, beautiful!! Could not be more thrilled with this special painting, I’m so glad she’s mine. Cathy is such a brilliant artist, if you’re on the fence, don’t hesitate, you want her amazing work in your life!

*** Stunning texture, sophisticated design coupled with simple elegance.


* Collaborated with Kew Gardens in Ghana to produce a series of endangered plants of West Africa.
* One of my logs paintings was selected by Christies, London sold at their Art for Life Event.
* I won first prize for innovation in a competition here in France.
* I have done numerous successful exhibitions in UK and France.
* Published artwork in Reves de Femmes Lunar Calendar Book in Switzerland
* Represented by The Exposed House, Abu Dhabi
* Several collectors wordwide regularly commission me.